Friday, June 29, 2007

This Week's Good Movie - The Mission

Robert De Nero, Jeremy Irons and Aidan Quinn star in this historically accurate film about the Spanish and Portuguese in South America around 1750. Irons is a priest who ventures into the jungle and starts a mission among the natives. De Nero is a slaver who has a conversion and almost fanatically helps Irons. The missions are a safe haven for the natives who are subject to being enslaved by the Spanish and Portuguese. The church cedes the land to the Portuguese and the mission and its people are in danger of being captured or killed. There is great scenery, music and acting in this film. If you like De Nero or Irons or Quinn or you like history, this movie is well worth the rental. The DVD has a good feature on how the movie was made and the transport of a native tribe to the shooting location. I watch this film at least twice a year.

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