Friday, August 3, 2007

Disaster in Minneapolis

I've driven across the I-35W bridge many times. I take it for granted that the bridges we use are safe. But...they're not. After a new infrastructure is completed, we assume that all is done and that we'll not have to worry about it again. However, it costs money to maintain our infrastructure. By now, you've heard about the thousands of "structurally deficient" bridges in our country. Maybe we need to spend some money in America to keep our citizens safe from bridge collapses instead of sending billions down the drain in Iraq. How ironic that the Twins had to postpone the groundbreaking for their new $480 million stadium because of the neglect of a bridge. But, this is what America wants. We want to spend money on lavish stadia and want to give our athletic heroes millions of dollars while our bridges and schools deteriorate. Good teachers leave the profession so that they can better afford to feed their families. Wow, what the heck are the priorities in America? BTW, the citizens of Hennipen County were not allowed to vote on the taxes they now pay for the stadium. The county commissioners knew that they might not get the stadium if they put it to a vote of the people. So much for democracy in Minnesota. I pray for the families who lost loved ones in the bridge collapse and I am thankful for the first responders and average citizens who helped in the rescue efforts. It should never have happened.

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